Wandering around the west side (i) view into Pimisi Station

The soaring overpass on the Booth Freeway provides a nice pedestrian view down into the future Pimisi (formerly LeBreton) Station on the Confederation LRT Line.

This pic shows all the footings for the foundations, one floor below track level. Pimisi is a centre-platform design, so the elevators and escalators and stairs take one down from the sides of Booth Street up at the bridge level, then travellers can decide to go east or west.


The eastbound track will be along the  foundations on the left; westbound will be over to the right.

There will be a pedestrian underpass here, somewhat like the one at Ottawa U’s Campus Station. It runs across the the foundations  at the gravel gap. It goes north-south. There will be an entrance to the centre platform at that western end of the station. This will be useful for crowds as Bluesfest or if the Sens get their arena.

Here’s an aerial artist’s impression, taken not from the Booth bridge but as seen by a pigeon. The underpass is on the lower right where the little wing roofs stick out from under the trains:


The underpass is actually lower than the current edge of the aqueduct, so there will be a slope down to access it from the north. The south side may remain blocked up until something is built on the fancifully greened slope shown. Maybe a new library?

When viewing the artist illustrations, it may help orient the view to recall that the slope of each roof indicates the direction of travel underneath it. So use the roof to identify the stairs.

In this pic, it is more obvious how the tracks come in quite high compared to the footings;  the dirt shown at the far end of the footings is roughly the track level. The pigeon-eye view in the illustration above was taken when making deposits over the construction trailers.img_8734


I dont know if there will be anything in the “basement” areas of the station, because the city has been shy about showing plans, and the rumoured spring showcase of final station designs didn’t happen.

Ottawa U and Pimisi won’t be the only stations with pedestrian/cyclist under passing the tracks. That is the solution also hit upon for the Bayview Station.

2 thoughts on “Wandering around the west side (i) view into Pimisi Station

    1. the station has an aboriginal theme to its name, its artwork, and exterior landscaping. Pimisi means eel. Eels are a food source formerly abundant in the River. It is also an acknowledgement that the land in the Ottawa area is still subject to a future land treaty, ie it is unceeded. BTW things built belong to the builder, even if on land without clear title. My opinion is merely what I read in the papers.

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