The City and consultants held a well-attended (approx 125 persons) open house for the Somerset reconstruction project last week. The zone of reconstruction was from Bayswater (in the west)(which is where reconstruction left off last summer) up and over the viaduct over the Otrain, to Preston street.
The above section of street was scheduled for this year, 2010. Then next year, the reconstruction process would move up Somerset, from Preston to Booth. These two long blocks will be finished in a new Chinatown look in 2011.
However, the Chinatown Arch (artists impression shown) is being constructed a few blocks further east in 2010, and some roadworks are required to accomodate that. So this week the city added in the block from Cambridge to Bronson to the 2010 streetscaping project. So residents will get one additional block of widened sidewalks, new streetlighting including ped lights, and trees. Great stuff!