It’s not a bike path, it’s a multi-user path, since cyclists, pedestrians, dog-walkers and their guardians are all welcome. And it’s not all paved, just the section from Somerset north to the Ottawa River.
I suspect the section from Somerset to Young didn’t get paved due to the heavy equipment installing the staircase at Somerset. But I am hopeful we will get it paved before this winter.
Herewith, the pic:
section between Bayview Station and the Sir John A MacDonald Parkway.I think the amount of “zoom” on the picture distorts the curves, which are in fact gentle. The NCC section gets nicer black chain link fence.the path meets the OTrain platformlooking south along the new path as it leaves Bayview OTrain station, towards Somersetthe new path goes through Bayview OTrain station, as viewed from the Albert Street overpasslooking south, behind City Centre building, with the plain silver chain link fencingview north, from City Centre building, back towards Bayview Station. Lamp-posts are in, but not the light headspaved section of pathway ends at the Somerset underpass. It will be possible to “race” the train between Gladstone and Bayview …