dec 21, 2013 025


As seen at Ryerson University campus in Toronto. Eye catching shape. And it did attract a few cycles.

I wonder if it really saved enough space to warrant the expense, and the deterrence to cyclists who wouldn’t want or were unable to lift up their bikes to park them. Wall mounted bike racks make regular appearances, and designers love to design new ones, but gravity remains their foe. That, and the length of chain required to attach the frame of the bike to one of the solid bars, neither of which was close to the frame.

2 thoughts on “Novel bike rack

  1. Blech, no. The bike cage at the City’s office building at Constellation has a couple of these and they just take up space while everyone uses anything but. They don’t work for longer bikes like xtracycles, and I like to look my bike before taking all my bags and stuff off of it (so I don’t have to put my bags on the wet/snowy/muddy etc ground), which is impossible with this style of rack.

    The only place where vertical bike racks see any use is in condo buildings, where the bikes are left to collect dust. They discourage cycling by making it cumbersome, finnicky, and inconvenient.

    This is why the zoning bylaw restricts the percentage of bicycle parking that may be vertical, and why the 700 Somerset/LeBreton building proposal sucks for bike parking.

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