Does OC have a customer slogan?

july 2013 454


While in St John’s a few weeks back I noticed their bus system had a neat slogan: Get On, Be Moved. 

Does OC Transpo have one? If so, what is it?

If not, do you want to suggest one (serious or facetious)?

If OC had to think up one, I’ll bet it would be painfully obviously the same in both official languages.

6 thoughts on “Does OC have a customer slogan?

  1. OC Transpo: Marginally better than walking in the rain.

    OC Transpo: Where customers are an afterthought.

  2. I thought it was “People Moving People”? At least what they were using in their ads last year…

  3. I was thinking about a tweakable format they can keep riffing on — and in classic route schedule format, they would have brackets for new information

    “OCTranspo: Where innovation lives– (Inventor of the Metrolinx Presto Card, Version 2.0!)”
    “OCTranspo: Where the future comes alive– (Wifi buses coming in 2022!)”
    “OCTranspo: Where street artists hone their craft — (Try the back section of our Artics!)

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