Bayview Carling report, better maps

Being computer illiterate, I do have some problems sometimes getting maps or illustrations  out of reports to paste into these stories. So, here are some larger, hopefully clearer and more detailed illustrations of what George Dark and our planning dept (and developers) want to see in the west side Preston-Carling Little Italy neighbourhood. Alas, I cannot make “live” links to outside websites or previous posts (somehow, the blue letters that make links live don’t work for me…) and for these maps the key is a separate picture from the actual map. Here goes:   __________________________________________________________________       _______________________________________________________________     … Continue reading Bayview Carling report, better maps

New Brutalism where least expected

The Somerset Viaduct is a long bridge-like structure that extends from near the Plant Rec complex to Breezehill Ave. Unlike a bridge, the underside isn’t an open space, but is earth fill. Sort of like a dam. Nonetheless, the sides of the road are elevated above the surrounding terrain, and that is what is of interest here. The viaduct has guardrails on both sides. They consist of horizontal pipes, designed to keep cars from falling off the viaduct. They are of an older, un-crash-tested design, so the city is wary about modifications. A dozen years back (or maybe two dozen) … Continue reading New Brutalism where least expected

Eric Darwin commemorative gate CLOSES soon

Intrepid follows of this blog may recall the brou-ha-ha over the gate at the north end of Preston (aka the Preston Extension) where for decades residents have accessed the Ottawa River parklands. We even had a legal crossing of the Transitway ! Then one day — shock: Several times the NCC has tried to close the gate, but we beat them back. Some kind soul even put up a sign naming the gate after Qui- Moi? That sign is long gone, and today the NCC announced our gate and access to the Flats, the River, the bike paths … is … Continue reading Eric Darwin commemorative gate CLOSES soon

OTrain bike path paved

Okay, I mislead you a bit with the title. It’s not a bike path, it’s a multi-user path, since cyclists, pedestrians, dog-walkers and their guardians are all welcome. And it’s not all paved, just the section from Somerset north to the Ottawa River. I suspect the section from Somerset to Young didn’t get paved due to the heavy equipment installing the staircase at Somerset. But I am hopeful we will get it paved before this winter. Herewith, the pic:   Continue reading OTrain bike path paved