Green, Urban, Trendy…and affordable
Guest post on new infill housing project on Catherine Street, Beaver Barracks is green, urban, trendy … and affordable. Continue reading Green, Urban, Trendy…and affordable
Guest post on new infill housing project on Catherine Street, Beaver Barracks is green, urban, trendy … and affordable. Continue reading Green, Urban, Trendy…and affordable
Allotment gardens on Laurier Hill, corner Laurier and Bronson, as seen from the QE condos._ double click to enlarge, although photo lacks focus. It might have been too far a zoom for my little camera, or else operator error. Continue reading Allotment Gardens downtown
Another in my occasional series on Green Roofs in Ottawa. This roof is behind a seniors complex on Somerset St, opposite Hartman’s. The roof runs through to Cooper St and is above the Centretown Community Health Centre. I do not know if the allotments and planters are associated with the seniors building or the Health Centre. Whichever, its a bright spot of green on rooftop. This view from the 16th floor of the Hudson condo building. There was also an excellent view of the brick paved driveways of the townhouses built on Cooper at Kent. The bricks are laid in … Continue reading Another Green Roof
Zen Kitchen has finally opened up on Somerset Street between Percy and Bronson. Frequent users of the street may have noticed film crews there during the renovation, as the story of opening the restaurant were documented for a food tv show. The owners live in the neighborhood too. I like the idea of businesses having both residential and commercial interests in the ward, as these interests are sometimes competing, sometimes complementary. Around the corner on Percy, the vacant lot behind the former Chuck Brown golf has been turned into a large veggie garden. Jill Brown, former alderperson (but not of … Continue reading Somerset Street update